CRCSD Alert - This is a message to all families and staff in the Cedar Rapids Community School District. The start of classes will be DELAYED by TWO HOURS for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, because of the forecasted weather conditions. There will be no morning half day preschool, but full-day preschool at Truman Early Learning Center will be DELAYED by TWO HOURS tomorrow. Thank you.
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Van Buren is a Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) School.

PBIS is a set of strategies and systems that enable school our to:

  1. Create a culture of positive behaviors.
  2. Reduce behavior disruptions.
  3. Create appropriate environments to educate all students.

PBIS is a proactive systems approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. The purpose of the Van Buren school-wide PBIS initiative is to establish and maintain a safe and effective school environment that maximizes academic achievement and behavioral competence of all students. At Van Buren, we follow and use the language of “Be the ONE” as a way to help staff and students know what is expected of them. We have three school-wide building expectations which are taught, reviewed, and reinforced daily.